Our office hours are 8-5 Monday through Friday. Emergency treatment takes top priority in our schedule and after-hours emergency care is also available.
Some young children have an easier time with morning appointments when their energy is higher. Therefore, restorative and other treatment is ideally scheduled earlier in the day. Checkups may be scheduled anytime during the day.
If you are unable to keep an appointment you have scheduled with us, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance so that we may offer the time to another child.
Contact Us
3801 Southwest Trafficway
Kansas City, MO 64111
P: 816.622.2000 | F: 816.298.9214
Email: kcpediatricdentistry@gmail.com
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Kansas City, MO 64111
P: 816.622.2000 | F: 816.298.9214
Email: kcpediatricdentistry@gmail.com
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